Jolene O'Brien

May 16, 20221 min

You are already held…

There comes a subtle melting into ‘all’ that is...


We notice the mind trying to convince us that there is some urgency or problem.


We see this in the likes of fatigue...

Going with the mind creates more of that which we do not want.

More fatigue.

More emotional disturbance.


In truly allowing what it is that we are experiencing and truly trusting that life will hold us and has our back, we see that there ‘never’ was anything that needed to be held onto and what needs to ‘get done ~ gets done’.


There comes a subtle melting into ‘all’ that is...


We see that the need to ‘hold on’ was imaginary.

We are already held.


Trust in this and see for yourself 🙏🏻




Jolene O’Brien




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