Jolene O'Brien

Jun 13, 20223 min

‘IN’ pain?

What physical pain is trying to tell us?

Most often when we have the likes of back pain for example we can often tell ourselves the specific reason for this.

We even have proof don’t we!… We can often recall a specific event or events that caused the injury.

When in actual fact, body pain is always connected (in varying degrees) to our emotions, even though we have this “proof” of said injury.


Let me give an example of what this could look like…


Take a man who grew up with instability and a traumatic childhood. He then goes on to have rocky romantic relationships where he doesn’t feel seen, heard, appreciated or safe that things won’t go wrong.


The body is already in an almost constant state of tension because of the above, the muscles are tense and the mind is less than peaceful.


One day he drives to get some things from the supermarket and on returning home, he’s in a rush to use the toilet. He opens the boot of the car and swiftly pulls out a heavy overfilled bag.


This causes his back to “go”… He winces in pain and after getting himself together, he manages to complete the task of bringing the items inside.


From then on he experiences intermittent back problems.


He goes on to try to deal with this, he may have the odd moan about it, tell people of his injury and eventually perhaps resorts to pain medication or seeks the help of a doctor.


None of this is wrong or right.

It simply is what it is.


What he most often doesn’t realise is that Life had presented this injury opportunity to bring on this situation of pain as a warning system.


Why? Because he had been avoiding and/or suppressing his emotions from the earlier and perhaps later emotional trauma.


It’s painful to go there! It’s understandable right?


This man had been living in a state of tension for SO long that life had now created a situation to stop him in his tracks to take stock of how he is living his life.


And furthermore this starts to create more of what isn’t favourable. Difficulty sleeping, losing his job, more troubled relationships and so on…


Life will always do this if one doesn’t take note of how they are living in an unhealthy body/mind state - most often running away from it through avoidance and addictions for example.


The pain now felt is the alarm getting louder telling him to STOP and to take note of the emotions (earlier suppressed trauma) that are wanting to be seen and moved through the body.


We can liken it to a small scared child who is being ignored.


This does not mean that the likes of exercise, seeking medical attention and so on shouldn’t be used if that’s necessary and helpful.


However, no matter how we try to cover up this body pain it will either get worse, shift to another area, become chronic or even create disease in the body.


All of which is the alarm system getting loader and Life attempting to stop us further in our tracks.


This isn’t through some form of punishment or lesson, this is Life actually taking care of us!


This is Life saying “you are looking the wrong way”… “you are running from these emotions” that are crying out for attention.


There are many ways in which we can try to treat pain, some of which I’ve mentioned above.

However once we start to understand that this pain has a deep emotional element to it we may seek the likes of talking therapy (for example) to give a voice to our earlier trauma. This may prove beneficial.


Going deeper into this, what life is ultimately trying to pull us to is remembering who we ‘really’ are because we have been living with the unconscious, untrue belief/s from our life’s conditioning (most always from childhood).


Going to the root of the conditioned beliefs is the way to dissolve the emotional body and in turn “heal” the bodily pain.


Sitting with our emotions, fully feeling into them and seeing the truth of thoughts that we have been believing in through a dedicated (awareness based) meditation practice is the most beneficial way through to dissolving our mind/body pain and remembering the truth of who we really are beyond the thoughts and emotions.


This IS the greatest gift from Life.


There are no punishments here.


Are you going to take the IN-vitation?



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